(207) 513-1111

Our Mission:

To provide more options for preventative dental care in the State of Maine, reduce the prevalence of tooth decay in children and adults, and serve those who would not otherwise receive care.

Click the link below to watch our recent interview with WMTW:


Did you know…

  1. Children are 26 more times likely to laugh and show their teeth than adults
  2. Preventive dental care reduces the likelihood of tooth decay or gum disease
  3. A healthy mouth allows you to speak, smile, smell, taste, touch, chew, swallow and convey a range of emotions with confidence and without pain, discomfort and disease.
  4. Most oral health conditions are largely preventable and can be treated in their early stages
  5. Nearly 1 in 5 kids have untreated cavities.
  6. Fluoridated water helps strengthen teeth.
  7. Some kids need fluoride treatments from their dentists.
  8. Tooth decay can start early in life.
  9. Healthy dental habits also develop early in life.
  10. Oral disease can impact every aspect of life, including personal relationships and self-confidence. It can lead to significant pain, anxiety, disfigurement, acute and chronic infections, eating as well as sleep disruption and can result in social isolation, loss of work and school days, and an impaired quality of life.